Want Full HD content for your 1080p1080p is the best high definition picture currently available and is also referred to as 'Full HD'. If your TV is Full HD and can, therefore, show them, there will be 1080 horizontal lines. The 'p' stands for 'progressive' and refers to how the images are scanned. Blu-rayHigh definition format for pre-recorded discs that play at 1080p resolution - the best there is. If you own a Full HD TV set, the only way (at least in the UK) you can get Full HD/1080p content to show on it is with a Blu-ray player and Blu-ray discs. Naturally they are more expensive than standard defintion DVDs, which typically display at 576 horizontal lines - the screen resolution of an analogue cathode ray tube TV. (CRTV). discs are reproduced at 1080p resolution.
Full HD TV? Then get a Blu-ray disc player. And spend fortunes on Blu-ray discs, which are more expensive than nasty, standard def DVDs, naturally.
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